Keynote speech at Caritas Social Action Network Leaders’ Alliance

Image credit: Caritas Social Action Network

Avril Baigent from the School for Synodality was invited to give the keynote speech at the Caritas Social Action Network’s inaugural ‘Leadership Alliance’ meeting in April 2023, titled ‘Synodality and the Social Mission of the Church’.

The Caritas Social Action Network shares in the mission of the Catholic Church, committed to tackling the causes of poverty, promoting justice and restoring dignity, specifically by convening and animating alliances of member charities involved in the social mission of the Church, leading on the formation of those involved in social action, and raising a prophetic Catholic voice in the public arena.

The keynote speech highlighted the application of the synodal process in Scripture, using New Testament accounts and the tradition of the early Church to act as a guide in the current deliberations of how the Church communicates the truth of the Gospel in the contemporary world. There was a second keynote address delivered by Andy Keen-Downs, CEO of PACT (Prison Advice and Care Trust), called ‘The Grace of Failing’.

Avril also facilitated the space to have ‘spiritual conversations’ (see our resource here) which prioritised listening over speaking, as an exercise to orient leaders towards leadership ultimately best exemplified in Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:1-1). The attendees discovered how conversations are most fruitful when we approach others with humility (recognising that we do not have all the answers), in freedom (to be open to what God might be teaching us), and with joy (the commitment to seeing God in all things and the resultant peace that follows from this).

Read original original via the CSAN website here.


School for Synodality -Inaugural Event 2023


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