Avril Baigent in conversations about 2024 Synod

Avril Baigent has been in discussing her experience of Second Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome in 2024 for Northampton Diocese in her role as Director of Pastoral Development. Avril is also co-founder and Director of the School for Synodality.

Voices from the Rome Synod

Writer and commentator Austen Ivereigh and Avril Baigent speak about their experience of the Rome Synod Assembly, in this webinar for Northampton Diocese held on the 14th November 2024.

National Board of Catholic Women

Helene Burgess, the National Board of Catholic Women (NBCW) Diocesan link for the Northampton Diocese, spoke with Avril Baigent about her experiences as a facilitator at the Second Session.


The Future of Synodality - Kristin Colberg & Jos Moon SJ


Welcoming the Spirit: Christina Kheng