Theological Briefing Papers
Theological Briefing Papers put together as part of a mapping project of all academic material on Synodality in English, Spanish, French and German
Resource Type: Theological bibliography and accessible theological briefing papers
Characteristics of a Synod Church
This extract from the Working Document sums up characteristics of a synodal Church
Resource Type: Seven pages speaking about what it actually looks like to be a synodal Church, based on the international listening process that has taken place so far of the 2021-24 Synod.
Introductory course on Synodality - videos
Some short introductory videos to Synodality from the Apsel.ie introductory course on Synodality
Resource Type: Seven short 1-3 minute videos introducing different aspects of Synodality from a collaborative formation project based in Ireland.
A Comprehensive Introduction to Synodality
Jos Moons SJ has published an article drawing on the academic literature on Synodality in one comprehensive introduction.
Resources Type: A 21 page academic article that draws on many sources to give a comprehensive summary of synodality
Austen Ivereigh and the London Jesuit Centre: The Spirit in the Assembly
A video course from Austen Ivereigh and the London Jesuit Centre.
Resource Type: Five thirty minute videos exploring this synodal moment in the history of our Church
Walk with me…
An article exploring the fruits of the local processes of listening as part of the 2021-24 Synod and the Liverpool Synod, and the good synodality can do in our communities.
Resource type: A Tablet article from Chris Knowles about the power of listening in parishes at the local level
International Theological Commission Document on Synodality
The document on Synodality from the International Theological Commission, an advisory body to the Roman Curia.
Resource type: a comprehensive, detailed and robust theological extrapolation of the fundamental theology of Synodality from the Vatican ITC
50th Anniversary of the Synod of Bishops
Pope Francis address on the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of institution of the Synod of Bishops in October 2015.
Resource type: Text of a short address from Pope Francis setting out his own vision for the renewal of the Synod of Bishops processes and synodality within the wider Church
‘Becoming a Synodal Church’ Sr Nathalie Becquart XMCJ
Sr. Nathalie Becquart, XMCJ, Undersecretary for the General Secretariat of the Synod, speaking about issues and challenges around becoming a Synodal Church.
Resource Type: A one hour talk from Sr Nathalie at Boston College about what it means to become a Synodal Church
Fr Jos Moons SJ: Synodality requires "spiritual attitudes" foreign to many Catholics
An interview with Fr Jos Moons SJ about the ‘spiritual attitudes’ required for synodality for La Croix International.
Resource Type: Accessible newspaper interview with academic about synodal spiritual attitudes
Pope Francis’ Homily on the Opening of the 2021-24 Synod
Pope Francis’ homily on the story of the rich young man, on the Mass celebrating the opening of the 2021-24 Synod.
Resource Type: A short homily that characterises synodality through three verbs, encountering, listening and discerning.