
Chris Knowles Chris Knowles

The Synodal Pathway: When Rhetoric Meets Reality

Contributions from leading scholars in the UK, US, Venezuela, Germany, Italy, France, The Netherlands and Australia about the foundations and practice of Synodality

Type of resource: A rich collection of articles from academics and practitioners that speak to and from difference contexts in the Church

The link takes you to a video about the resource, the book is available from the publisher, Pauline books and other online marketplaces.

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Synodality Explainer Chris Knowles Synodality Explainer Chris Knowles

Walk with me…

An article exploring the fruits of the local processes of listening as part of the 2021-24 Synod and the Liverpool Synod, and the good synodality can do in our communities.

Resource type: A Tablet article from Chris Knowles about the power of listening in parishes at the local level

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Recommended Resources Chris Knowles Recommended Resources Chris Knowles

Towards a Spirituality of Synodality

An initial exploration of what it might look like to develop a Spirituality of Synodality.

Resource Type: A long document from the Spirituality Commission of the 2021-23 Synod with shorter sections (eg p11-23 exploring central themes of a Spirituality of Synodality) that can be engaged with without reading the whole document.

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